10 Aug
Visiting Captain M. Farhat Ali Khan, PN

Captain M. Farhat Ali Khan has had a stellar career in the Navy and is a value dmember of the NavyLeague. Noticing his absence from Navy League gatherings and meetings for some time, it was decided to pay him avisit. President Navy League, Cdre T. Najmi, accompanied by V. Adm Irfan Ahmed,  Captain Farooq D. Herekar, and Cdre Rashid Ullah,visited him on 10th August at his residence.

Captain Khan, after serving at sea and ashore in junior ranks, attended the LONG C course in the UK and took on the mantle of a “Communicator.” He commanded PNS Tariq, a leading destroyer at that time, participating in major maritime exercises and good will visits to various foreign ports. He was known and recognized for hiscommitment, dedication, and for being a “Stickler for Details” and a“Perfectionist.” His naval career included both sea and shore billets,i ncluding serving at the Pakistan Naval Academy. He also served as the Military Secretary to the Governor of Sindh in the 1970s. He represented the Governor in receiving and looking after the Heads of State attending the famous OIC conference in Pakistan in 1974—are markable experience! He later served as the Defense and Naval Attaché in the UK. 

The session with Captain Khan was very interesting, covering a wide range of topics from his early naval days to his time at the Governor's House. He shared memories of politicians surrounding the then Prime Minister, dealing with Islamic Heads of State, and other intriguing details. The conversation included recollections of his naval career, lighter moments, challenges, and how he managed them.

The visitors were then treated to a table laden with savory tidbits, sweets, and more.

Captain Khan now lives alone,as his dear wife passed away afew years ago. He spoke highlyof her, and the pain of being left alone was palpable.

The Navy League visitors assured Captain Khan that they would keep in touch and always be available for anys upport he might need.

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