27 Jul
Honouring Naval Legacy:A Heartfelt Visit to Rear Admiral I.H. NaqviHI(M) RTD

In keeping with the cherished tradition of the Navy League, Commodore Najmi, President of the Navy League, Vice Admiral Irfan Ahmed, Rear Admiral Baqar and Commodore Rashidullah paid a cordial visit to Rear Admiral I.H. Naqvi, affectionately known as "Necky" among his peers, at his residence on 27th July 2024. 

This visit was prompted by Rear Admiral I.H. Naqvi's recent absence from the regular "Wednesday" meetings at the Navy League Bureau. Rear Admiral I.H. Naqvi, a distinguished veteran of the Pakistan Navy, boasts a career rich in experiences and accomplishments. His service includes:

• UN observer in West Irian (1962)

• Extensive involvement in East Pakistan riverine operations

• Command of a Gunboat and later a destroyer

• Service as COMDESRON

• Key staff appointments: DNWOP, ACNS(Plans), DCNS(O), and DCNS(P) at Naval Headquarters

Known for his sharp wit, remarkable memory of naval events, avid reading habits, and prowess as a bridge player, R Adm Naqvi has always been a sought-after companion. 

The visit provided anopportunity to inquire about his well-being and share joyous moments, reminiscing about the past.The conversation was filled with delightful anecdotes, memories of old colleagues, and humorous recollections that brought smiles to all present. It was a testament to the strong bonds forged through years of naval service and the enduring camaraderie among Navy League members. 

Rear Admiral I.H. Naqvi, now settled in Karachi post-retirement, continues to be a respected and beloved figure in the naval community. His contributions to the Navy and his engaging personality have left an indelible mark on all who have had the pleasure of knowing him.T he Navy League extends its warmest wishes to Rear Admiral I.H.Naqvi for his continued good health and assures him of the organization's ongoing support and connection. 

This visit underscoresthe Navy League's commitment to honoring its distinguished members and maintaining the strong ties that bind our naval family.

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