Visit of PNS Tughril

The visit to PNS Tughril provided the Pakistan Navy League members with a unique opportunity to witness the PNS Tughril's advanced features and capabilities firsthand. The warm welcome and informative presentation made the visit a memorable experience for all the guests, and they were able to gain a deeper appreciation of the important role that the Pakistan Navy plays in ensuring the country's security. See Photos in Gallery

  • Date:04.03.2023 10:19
  • Location


On 4th March 2023, the Pakistan Navy League organized a visit for around 60 of its members and their spouses to the PNS Tughril, a newly acquired ship from China. The guests were greeted warmly by the ship's captain and COMPATRON and were escorted to the flying deck, which was decorated with colourful flags under a ceremonial awning. Tea and snacks were served to the guests, followed by a presentation by a young officer who briefed them on the ship's features.

The PNS Tughril is one of the four Type 054-A/P class frigates commissioned on 8th November 2021 and is one of the largest and most technologically advanced ships in the Pakistan Navy's fleet. Built at HZ Shipyard in Shanghai, China, it is equipped with modern sensors and armaments such as the SR2410C long-range and Type 517/SUR17B air surveillance radars. It also has the HQ-16 medium-range air-defence missiles which can reach a speed of up to 50 km.

During the presentation, the young officer informed the guests that the Type 054A/P frigate is a technologically advanced platform, equipped with modern weapons and sensors, capable of executing all dimensions of naval warfare simultaneously in a highly intense multi-threat environment. The PNS Tughril is armed with vertical launch surface-to-air missile systems, and supersonic surface-to-surface missiles, and fitted with a 3D surveillance radar among other systems. It is also equipped with state-of-the-art combat management and electronic warfare systems, along with modern self-defence capabilities. The ship can execute multiple missions, including anti-air warfare, anti-surface, and anti-submarine warfare, and can even destroy land targets.

After the presentation, the guests were given a detailed walk-through visit, which provided them with an opportunity to see the capabilities of a modern ship up close. Following the visit, a sumptuous lunch was served, and the President of the Navy League thanked the ship staff and expressed his pleasure on the modernization of the Pakistan Navy. Former Naval Chief Admiral Shahid Karimullah and a senior member also wrote on the guestbook.

The visit was an excellent opportunity for the Pakistan Navy League members to learn more about the PNS Tughril and its capabilities. The warm welcome, informative presentation, and walk-through visit made the experience a memorable one for all the guests. The visit also highlighted the significant strides that the Pakistan Navy has made in modernizing its fleet and acquiring state-of-the-art ships equipped with the latest technology and weaponry.

See Photos in Gallry