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In the winter of 2024, the Pakistan Navy League embarked on an extraordinary voyage, a journey of cultural immersion and scenic exploration in the heart of Southeast Asia. This ten-day sojourn, from January 29th to February 8th, took a spirited group of 23 members along with their spouses, predominantly senior citizens, across the captivating landscapes of Viet Nam and Bangkok. Under the expert guidance of tour operator Masood Rizvi, this expedition was crafted not just as a mere tour, but as an odyssey of discovery and camaraderie. The journey was meticulously organized, prioritizing comfort and accessibility, considering the diverse needs of its members. This journey was more than a tour; it was a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration that the Pakistan Navy League embodies, a narrative of embracing new experiences and forming lasting bonds amidst the backdrop of Southeast Asia's diverse splendor.

  • Date:29.01.2024 15:30 - 08.02.2024 15:30
  • Location


Exploring Viet Nam and Bangkok: A Journey with the Pakistan Navy League

The Pakistan Navy League recently embarked on an enriching foreign tour to Viet Nam and Bangkok from January 29th to February 8th, 2024. Led by tour operator Masood Rizvi, 23 members with spouses of the Navy League set out on an unforgettable adventure, immersing themselves in the vibrant cultures and breathtaking landscapes of these Southeast Asian destinations. Despite being predominantly senior citizens, the tour was meticulously planned to ensure comfort and minimize stress throughout the journey.

From the moment we arrived, it was evident that our accommodations and transport arrangements in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Bangkok were top-notch. Each city welcomed us with its pristine cleanliness, lush greenery, and well-organized infrastructure. The culinary delights we sampled in each location lived up to our expectations, tantalizing our taste buds with authentic flavors and aromas.

However, the highlight of our trip was undoubtedly the overnight stay aboard a cruise ship in the majestic Halong Bay. Despite less than ideal visibility, the experience was nothing short of magical. Navigating through the mountainous tunnels, surrounded by awe-inspiring scenery, was a photographer's dream come true.

While the weather in Hanoi proved chillier than anticipated, the warmth of Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, enveloped us as soon as we stepped off the plane. Amidst sightseeing excursions, some of our group had the opportunity to offer Friday prayers at the Saigon Central Mosque, a testament to the diverse cultural tapestry of the region. A visit to the War Remnants Museum provided a sobering glimpse into the tumultuous history of the Indochina wars, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

One of the most memorable experiences of our journey was the excursion to the Mekong Delta. Despite a longer-than-expected journey, the serenity of the delta and the hospitality of its inhabitants made it well worth the effort. Following a seven-hour drive, we found respite on one of the delta's islands, where we indulged in a traditional Indian thali lunch before returning to our hotel, weary but fulfilled.

As our time in Viet Nam drew to a close, we bid farewell to the captivating landscapes and warm hospitality, boarding a flight to our final destination: Bangkok. While some members of our group chose to extend their stay in the bustling metropolis, others returned to Karachi, their hearts full of memories and their minds enriched by the experiences shared.

This foreign tour with the Pakistan Navy League was a testament to the power of travel to broaden horizons, forge connections, and create lasting memories. From the tranquil waters of Halong Bay to the bustling streets of Bangkok, each moment was a reminder of the beauty and diversity of our world. As we reflect on our journey, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow together, united by our shared love of adventure and discovery.

This write up would not be complete without mentioning the grit, patience and steadfastness of the two octogenarian members and their wives Air Commodore Zahid Raza and Capt MA Siddiqui the latter's wife remained on a wheelchair. They were indeed an inspiration to all.